cookup mooshoo pork tacos
part: 1 #veggiesSaute in a large pan until tender
1 bundle scallion whites 1/2 box portabello mushrooms 1/2 head red cabbage ( shredded ) 1 pinch salt ( to taste ) 1 pinch pepper ( to taste ) -
part: 2 Add to #veggies
1 1/2 tsp ground ginger 1 1/2 tsp ground garlic / garlic powder -
part: 3 #pork mixAdd to #veggies and cook until done
3/4 lbs ground pork -
part: 4 #sauceMix in small bowl
2 tbsp mayonaise 1 tbsp hoisen sauce 2 tbsp water ( until drizzly ) -
part: 5 Add #pork mix to street taco shells and add sauce to taste